Privacy Policy is a website associated with online sports and games betting. We do process the personal information of our members in order to allow them to use our platform. And to participate in various available sports and games online.

The purpose of this page is to explain to our users a few important things. Which include, what data we collect, why we collect this data, and how we use it.

When you register a player account on our platform, you confirm your consent to this privacy policy. You can refrain from adhering to this privacy policy and from sharing your required personal information with us. But in that case, you are not allowed to use this website for your online betting purposes.

Please understand, that this privacy policy is an agreement between you and our Magicwin hosting company. And we can make changes to this privacy policy depending on requirements. And you will be liable to follow them while using our platform. Although we will try our best to notify any policy changes that we may make. But you too are advised to check this policy regularly to seek any modifications we may make.

Your continual use of our services will keep you bound by our policies. And you need to keep an adherence with the same till you are associated with us.

What Information We Collect?

We may require the following personal information from your side to process :

  1. Any kind of information that we may ask you to fill in at the time of your account registration process. This includes any personal information you may have to share via the website or email. Such as your first and last name, date of birth, mobile number, email address, etc.
  1. Any communication or correspondence made with us. Which may happen via this website, email, chat, or through any other means of communication.
  2. The player transaction history of your account. Which may be accessed through this website. And through any other ways of communication.
  3. Other important information that we may require. Such as login details including traffic data, device or browser data, activity, etc. It also includes web logs and any other information captured by our system.
  4. Finally, the documents and proofs that we request you to submit on this platform. Which are used for verification purposes. These are required while processing your deposits and withdrawals for anti-fraud checks etc. Such data may include your passport copies, payment slips, bank statements, etc.

Data Privacy Policies

We may process your data by ourselves. Or we may employ a third party to do so. However, we do not sell or lend your personal and financial data to any outside entities.

Cookies Policy

  1. We have a clear and easy-to-follow cookie policy.
  2. When you visit magicwin, our website system automatically collects some of your data through cookies.
  3. This collected data may include your browser information, IP address, and the website being used.
  4. We do not collect any other information such as financial and personal without your consent.
  5. Although we may use various kinds of cookies including functional cookies (which tell us about your usage and preferences). And advertising cookies (which allow us to gauge our marketing strategies).
  6. And these cookies are automatically accepted by most of the browsers.  
  7. Still there are exceptions to it. In such cases blocking or deleting cookies is not advisable. As it may not allow you to use our website to its full capacity.

Safety of Your Data

  1. We collect your personal and financial information. This is done for registration and other purposes. But we strictly adhere to all the relevant authorities and legalities. As it helps us to give you legally safe services.
  2. We have implemented various high-end techniques and technologies in place. We respect your data’s privacy. And thus we attempt to protect it at all costs.